The instability and fluctuation of fuel prices like oil is one of major reasons why many people prefer to use propane fuel, especially for heating activity that usually it calls as propane heaters. Propane is one of the hydrocarbon types that have low emission carbon products. But overall user should be carefully when using it because there are some hazards and danger accident when we use propane heater units negligent. Therefore in addition we get lot benefit from these units, don't forget to always use these units properly.
We know well that propane heaters are one of innovative alternative solution for people who want heat their room inexpensive and efficiently. The stable and affordable of propane fuel is one of important points about it. Most of them also usually have standard models, types, sizes, and technology like commonly heating units so far.
One of popular types of them is portable models. It looks compact and mobile so we move these types easily. Moreover, there are already many appliance units that use propane fuel for heating such as water heating (supply hot water and pool heating), indoor or outdoor heating, etc. Because they use flammable nature propane gas, that usually the fuel storage to the pressurized tanks, it is most risks that usually can result accidents when we use propane heater models, especially their byproducts of combustion process.
All right, below are some the propane heater hazards information we should know for use these heaters keep safely and keep far away from serious accidents:
1. Propane fuels usually are not produced with single hydrocarbon, they mix with other like butane. The popular type of them usually call with LPG, commonly it is combination between 60 percent butane and 40 percent propane or other various options. According to Energy Information Administration, gas companies cannot find propane deposit in nature but usually always mixed in with methane or familiar we call as natural gas. Economical transportation and distribution make gas companies always use liquid transportation model. In addition, this models discovered and popular since in 1912.
2. Ideally we use propane heater units with similar way when we use natural gas heaters that usually have pipe line transmission to supply fuel (methane). But for some reasons we usually utilize propane heater with pressurized gas. And it some time when we negligent can leak, and finally can result two types hazard accidents that are asphyxiation and explosion. Mostly leaks of tank caused by faulty installation and not-properly operation. As add information, catastrophically accident can occur when large container fails result high probability that call as BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion).
3. If those two type hazard accidents happen, there are obviously effects. Asphyxiation can result problem to the human respiratory system and it is hardly to prevent self-help measures. Then the explosion can produce high pressure and thermal explosion flame risk, these condition can destroy and even demolish the building of the house or office.
Overall if use propane heaters properly and obey the manufacture's operation and maintenance guidelines, those hazards can be prevented. Below are some tips about it that we should consider:
1. The fist thing that we should consider is about to ensure that the heater and the tank keep in well condition.
2. Then provide adequate vent for circulation air. It purposes to reduce probability risk of asphyxiation risk. As possible use units that have deflection Oxygen sensor automatically feature. Or install carbon monoxide detection.
3. Check your heater and the tank regularly and do the maintenance properly.
4. Place the heater on stable surface, and keep distance between flammable materials to the unit.
5. When we charge or replace tank fuel with new one, ensure that the tank looks still in good condition. As add info, propane fuel doesn't have odor so it is hardly to detect when the tank leaks. Therefore gas companies usually include an odoriferous compound to it so we can smell when tank leaks. The odoriferous compound usually from sulfur, marcpatan substance or else. If we smell the leak gas from the tank, stop all activities that can ignite the propane fuel and as soon as turn off the tank valve. If this precaution doesn't solve or you afraid to overcome your self, as soon as possible call for help.
Find completely information about the propane heater hazards here!